

Everything's Alright from To The Moon -

歌剧真爱的我 被一个游戏感动到录了一首流行歌

有种本来是直的 直到被一个人掰弯的感觉(什么鬼)

因为lofter似乎没法点进歌曲链接去 所以把歌词放在这吧

Short steps | deep breath | Everything is alright

踌躇 呼吸 一切都还好吗

Chin up | I can't | Step into the spotlight

昂着头 还是不能 走到众目之下

She said | I'm sad | Somehow without any word

她说 她很难过 却无法多言

I just stood there | Searching for an answer

我只 静立 想要找到答案

When this world is no more | The moon is all we'll see

当这个世界不再 我们只能看到月亮

I'll ask you to fly away with me

请 和我一起飞吧

Until the stars all fall down | They empty from the sky

直到繁星坠落 天空一片孤寂

But I don't mind | If you're with me, then everything's alright

我也不在意 只要你和我在一起 一切就会好的

- - -

Why do my words | Always lose their meaning?

为什么 我的话 永远无法表达

What I feel | what I say | There's such a rift between them  

所感 所说 总是天差地别

He said | I can't | Really seem to read you.

他说 我没办法 真的理解你

I just stood there | Never know what I should do

我只 站着 不知所措

When this world is no more | The moon is all we'll see

当这个世界不再 我们只能看到月亮

I'll ask you to fly away with me

请 和我一起飞吧

Until the stars all fall down | They empty from the sky

直到繁星坠落 天空一片孤寂

But I don't mind | If you're with me, then everything's alright

我也不在意 只要你和我在一起 一切就会好的

p.s. 试了试亲笔题写封面……我的字很鬼畜不要使劲吐槽⊙﹏⊙

