

随笔 2017-04-08

We often say amazing things about human mind, and following that, add longingly: but machine, despite how delicate it is, cannot do this. 

With the hope of deep learning, however, I am optimistic that machine can do things like human. Machines, robots, they come to earth with a clean slate, unlike human infants. They are purely logical and precise. But we are not. We categorize, sacrificing information for efficiency. We have emotions, because we are designed to function in a society (supposingly). Machines, if we only need them to calculate numbers or vacuum the house, do not need such functions. But now we try to code emotions and human cognition into the programs, because want robots that think like human. 

From a lower basis, we see that humanlike behavior can be coded into machines. From higher level, no AI has yet passed the Turing test. Nontheless, I am optimistic about AI. The brain being however complex, we have already known so much of it and we will know more. On the other hand, even if one day a robot passed the Turing test, mixes itself perfectly among human beings, we still cannot say it has awareness, consciousness and mind. 

Because it is never rational to say we can assume another human to have such things: they may be conditioned neuron patterns that too pass the Turing test. We think they do, because they look like yourself and you assume you yourself do. 

But do you? Lol.

